The Erasmus+ programme allows to spend a period of study at an European host university lasting between 3 and 12 months. During this period, the student’s academic career will be considered “suspended for mobility.”
Possible activities during the period of study abroad are:
- attending courses
- taking exams - thesis preparation.
Erasmus+ allows to carry out mobilities to a maximum of:
- Three-years undergraduate, Masters, and PhD courses: 12 months
- Long cycle courses ((five-year combined bachelors and masters degree program): 24 months
Eventual Erasmus for traineeship mobilities must be included in the calculation.
- Not all the universities accepts mobilities for thesis preparation
- Not all the universities accept period reduction
Therefore the students are suggested to contact directly the host university for further details.
- ON-LINE LANGUAGE SUPPORT (see the Before the mobility webpage)
Erasmus+ is the new EU programme for education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014-2020. Erasmus+ offers opportunities to study, train, gain work experience or volunteer abroad and one of its strategic objectives is to strengthen linguistic skills and support language learning.
The Online Linguistic Support (OLS) supports language learning for Erasmus+ mobility participants. The OLS offers participants in Erasmus+ long-term mobility activities (Key Action 1) the opportunity to assess their skills in the foreign language(s) they will use to study, work or volunteer abroad. In addition, selected participants may follow an online language course to improve their competence.
The test is highly recommended.
See Before the mobility webpage.
List of the language knowledges in order of matriculation number.
Should inaccuracies be present, they have to be reported to [email protected] no later than February 20th at 12:00 pm. Late reports will be disregarded.
At 14:30, Meeting in person in English: Aula Magna Storica, Rectorate building, 1st floor, Banchi di sotto 55, Siena
Link to join remotely: (the meeting will be recorded and the footage available as soon as possible)
When opening google browser, log in with your account otherwise no data can be seen
Please bring your application along with you
- subject
- language
in order to ease your choice (up to 4 destinations). Pay attention to the Comments outgoing, too.
Log in with your account otherwise the link does not work
April 10th at 14:30, Aula Magna Storica, 1st floor of the Rectorate Building, Banchi di sotto 55, Siena
Link for attending remotely:
The meeting will be recorded and the footage available on this page afterwards
Assignees of a mobility lasting up to 6 months must choose the semester on the Segreteria online > International Mobility Outgoing, until 17/3/2024.
Who is not an assignee can check their position in the rankings of the destinations chosen on the Segreteria online > International Mobility Outgoing
For everything not regulated by this notice of selection, please refer to the guide to the Erasmus+ 2023 program which constitutes the reference legislation.
List of the language knowledges in order of matriculation number.
Should inaccuracies be present, they have to be reported to [email protected] no later than February 15th. Late reports will be disregarded.
Additional credit contribution
In the tables the matriculation number is listed in ascending order