In case the mobility is carried out during the master course, but the application was submitted during the bachelor course, the assignee has to communicate the new matriculation number to [email protected]
Electronic Travel Authorisations (ETAs) are being introduced worldwide for visitors to the UK who do not currently need a visa for short stays, or who do not already have a UK immigration status prior to travelling.
For mobilities shorter than 6 months, citizens from the countries NOT listed here need ETA.
For mobilities longer than 6 months, a visa is needed.
If not requested for the application procedure by the receiving university, at least two months before the mobility the student must fill the learning agreement.
The learning agreement must be fully signed before the mobility begins.
Fill the Online Learning Agreement (OLA) on the platform after having attentively read the vademecum supplied.
The learning agreement will be managed by your Students’ Office and sent to the Academic Committee for approval. The notices will be exchanged via email.
Students can change once until the sending and receiving institutions accept these changes. Once accepted by both institutions, students can make changes again.
This process can be repeated as many times as the students wish for the final tables.
The process:
Student's amendments → waiting for acceptance by sending and receiving institutions → both institutions accept the amendments → OLA amendments signed by both institutions → students can amend again → the process starts again
Fill the learning agreement (docx) supplying also the programs of the courses listed, and submit it to the Student's Office for the Academic Committee's approval.
During the 15 days before the mobility the student must deliver:
- grant agreement (signed by the student only, in original and with a blue pen – NO SCANNED SIGNATURE)
- learning agreement approved by the Education Board (copy without During and After sections. The host university’s signature may be missing)
taking advantage of one of the following options (delivering by email rejected as well as by registered mail via web):
- dropping the documents at the International Relations Desk at Banchi di sotto n. 55 in Siena upon UFirst appointment
- dropping the documents into the International Relations Mailbox, situated beside the Desk door
- sending the documents to Divisione Relazioni Internazionali, Università di Siena, Mobilità in uscita, Via S. Vigilio n. 6, 53100 Siena
Before leaving, students must upload their own bank account or credit card details (IBAN code) on the Segreteria on-line system (Home>Master data> Bank). Only IBAN of SEPA countries are accepted. Visit the SEPA link below for more details. IBAN owned only by third parties (parents, relatives, friends..) are not accepted.
Home>Master data, Edit bank account refund data:
- Payment methods:
with Italian IBAN (IT….): choose Bonifico bancario
with a SEPA country IBAN: choose Bonifici europei con IBAN e senza
all the others: choose Bonifici extra europei con IBAN
- IBAN (do not write the bank account, but the IBAN only)
Some prepaid cards may have a limit of crediting. Please check this constraint before uploading the data on the Segreteria on-line.
Grants paid on non SEPA countries bank accounts will be charged with bank commissions.
Students are obliged to keep the bank details updated.
Home > Master data, Edit Permament address
Indicate the same address given to the bank for opening the bank account or getting the card.
Students with residence abroad must also upload their domicile in Italy:
Home > Master data, Edit Permament address
Do not flag Residence address the same as domicile address and fill the domicile address in Italy.
The University will not send the keys to take the language test (OLS) because from 1/7/2022 a new portal is open. Find the text sent by the Italian Erasmus National Agency in order to open an account and take the test which is highly recommended.
The brand-new Online Language Support (OLS) is waiting for you!
It provides a range of interactive and engaging language learning activities to help you learn a new language or master a language you’ve already studied. The best part is that it’s designed to cater specifically to the needs of each learner.
This means you’ll enjoy a unique language learning experience, which you can embark on at your own pace.
So, what are you waiting for? Whether it’s learning the basics of French or mastering native-level German, click here to get started (
Reserved to assignees of a room at a university dormitory
After having filled and signed the form, send it to [email protected] and it will be returned signed. The student will send the form to DSU.
The students themselves will inform DSU about any date change.
To search for accommodation you can visit the page relating to accommodation opportunities abroad by clicking here.
Login to google with your university email, upload the filled and signed form via google form.
Send it by email to the receiving university and to the Students' Office in Siena, too.