Course Catalogue and Learning Agreement

Before the mobility: provisional learning agreement

Exchange students must complete a learning agreement for studies with the list of courses they intend to take at the University of Siena.

The learning agreement must be signed by the student, the responsible person at the sending university and the responsible person at the receiving institution (the University of Siena).

The responsible person at the University of Siena for signing the learning agreement is the academic Erasmus/Exchange coordinator (USiena Exchange Coordinator). Read below on how to find the name and contact of your Unisi Exchange Coordinator

The contact person at the University of Siena is the International Mobility Office/incoming section ([email protected])


  • How do I find the name and contact of my USiena Exchange Coordinator?

After submitting the application form, you can log in into your “Segreteria online” and then click on 

☰ MENU ► Home ► Mobilità internazionale in entrata ► Application form for incoming students


You will find a summary of your application with the name and email address of your  “USiena Exchange Coordinator”.

  • When do I have to send my learning agreement to the USiena Exchange Coordinator?

From July 1st to September 15th, 2024 (for first semester students)

From December 1st 2023 to February 15th, 2025 (for second semester students)

  • How to send the learning agreement to the USiena Exchange Coordinator?


European students must fill out the learning agreement on the OLA platform (online learning agreement)  and write the name and email address of the Unisi Exchange Coordinator on the section “Receiving Responsible Person”.


Non-European students or European students not enabled on the OLA platform must fill out the form available at this link and send it by email as a pdf document to the USiena Exchange Coordinator.


During the mobility: How to submit the final learning agreement
  • First semester students

Starting from September 1st, and no later than September 30th, as soon as you have your final learning agreement signed by the USiena Exchange Coordinator, you must upload it through the form available at this link


If you need to modify your learning agreement, to add or eliminate courses, you will have to  update the “during the mobility” section of the document and get it signed again by all parties. 


The “during the mobility” section can be modified only once per semester.

You have time to make changes to the learning agreement until October 23rd, 2024


As soon as you have your modified learning agreement signed by the USiena Exchange Coordinator, you must upload it through the form available at this link (same as above).



Please note: Full year incoming exchange students, are allowed to modify again the learning agreement at the beginning of the second semester (see below the deadlines for second semester students)


Based on the learning agreement the Incoming Exchange Student Academic Office will upload your study plan to the “Segreteria online” and to the App My USiena. 


  • Second  semester students

Starting from February 1st, and no later than March 7th, as soon as you have your final learning agreement signed by the USiena Exchange Coordinator, you must upload it through the form available at this link


If you need to modify your learning agreement, to add or eliminate courses, you will have to update the “during the mobility” section of the document and get it signed again by all parties. 

The “during the mobility” section can be modified only  once per semester.

Youhave time to make changes to the learning agreement until March 25, 2025. 

As soon as you have your modified learning agreement signed by the USiena Exchange Coordinator, you must upload it through the form available at this link (same as above).


Based on the learning agreement the Incoming Exchange Student Academic Office will upload your study plan to the “Segreteria online” and to the App My USiena.

USiena Course Catalogue

For a detailed list of courses taught at the University of Siena, please refer to the online platform "Planning your degree": here you can find the list of our degrees divided in to five subject areas. For each degree you will find the programme structure.

Then, in order to find detailed information about each subject, you can browse the USiena course catalogue

The course catalogue can be browse by the following search criteria: academic year, department, degree, study field  (SSN), language of teaching, name of the module.


For each module the following information is provided: the name of the Professor, the number of ECTS credits, the semester, a description of the module and the content, a link to the timetable (as soon as it is available) 



Since most of the course information for the next academic year is not available during the spring application period, you should use the current information.

How to register for the courses included in my learning agreement ?


Please remember that the learning agreement represents itself the registration to the courses you have chosen.

From the start of the semester, you can attend all the courses you are interested in. You will need the study plan  (libretto) uploaded into your “Segreteria Online” to register for the exams (appelli). The Incoming Exchange Student Academic Office will upload your study plan into the “Segreteria online” and to on the App My USiena on the basis of your learning agreement.

Usually,  the dates of the exams are published in December.

ECTS credits

All study programmes at UNISI are measured in terms of ECTS credits.  The credits represent the total student workload (class time, individual study, exam preparation, practical work etc) and one credit is equivalent to 25 hours.

A full-time one-year study programme amounts to 60 credits (30 credits per semester)


Credits are earned once the student has passed the assessment for each course or activity.

Exams are held after the teaching period and are mainly oral exams although some courses will have written tests during the semester or before the oral exam. Each exam will be admistered on several dates during the exam period and students can choose which date they wish to take the exam. They are also entitled to turn down a mark and take the exam again if they are not satisfied with the result. Rules apply as to how often a student can take an exam within an examination period.

Grading system

Examinations are graded according to a scale ranging from 0 to 30, with 18 considered the passing mark.
A "cum laude" may be added to the highest grade (30; 30 e lode) as a mention of special distinction.