In the 10 days after the end of the mobility, the student will have to:
1) send via google form (login to google with the university email) the following 3 files:
a) Erasmus certificate with arrival and depature dates
b) Return travel ticket or a signed declaration with personal data, reason of the return ticket lack and the date of border crossing (host country)
c) Learning agreement (all the filled-in pages bearing the signatures requested. Do not wait for the After the mobility section to be completed as likely it will be replaced by the transcript of records)
2) fill the EU survey, link to be received from a .eu domain (check the spam folder too)
In order to have the credits recognised, the learning agreement, together with the Transcript of Records (ToR) issued by the receiving university, will have to be sent to the respective Students’ Office.
Generally, the ToR, which replace the After the mobility section of the learning agreement, is sent by the receiving university one month after the end of the mobility at the earliest.
WATCH OUT. Please be aware that failing to achieve at least one of the activities listed on the learning agreement or to supply the research for thesis certificate to be issued by the receiving university will lead to the total refund of the grant and the registration of the mobility as zero granted.
The ToR (if received directly from the receiving university or the research for thesis certificate will have to be uploaded on the google form. Such a certification does not replace the documents requested by the respective Students’ office.
The final payment is transferred, if due, after the sending and filling requested above.
- The date in the return ticket cannot precede the final date in the Erasmus certificate
- Under no circumstances, the period declared on the Erasmus certificate can be shorter than 2 months, otherwise the mobility has to be cancelled and all the money returned
Mobility 2024/25
In order to avoid registrations of different periods in the several portals devoted to the mobility management, the official mobility period is the one declared by the receiving university on the Erasmus certificate (to be consistent wth the travel dates and the period declared on grant agreement)