After the mobility


At the end of the study period at the host university, participants must send the following documents to the Divisione Relazioni Internazionali by email at [email protected]:

  • copy of an official certificate of attendance signed by the host university, confirming the effective period of study and indicating the dates of arrival and departure;
  • a copy of the transcript of records;
  • Final Report form, duly filled in.

The Office of International Programmes will forward the abovementioned documents to the Ufficio Studenti of the student’s department at the University of Siena.
Should a successful candidate not send the documents, he/she will not receive the final payment.


At the end of the study period abroad students are required to send to the Office of International Programmes and to the students’ office of the relevant department a copy of the Degree they will have obtained at the partner university.