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Università degli Studi di Siena
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Degree Courses 2024-2025
Double Degree Programmes
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Degree courses taught in English
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Forms for international students
Foundation Year/Course
Student Opinion Survey
Appointment booking app
UNISI Research
Doctoral research schools
Unisi as Host Institution: apply with us!
Gender Equality Plan - GEP
HRS4R - Human Resources Strategy for Researchers
Ethics Committee for Research in the Human and Social Sciences - CAREUS
International Students Admissions – Information Portal
International degree seeking students
International exchange students
Summer Schools and Short Programmes
Outgoing Exchange Students
Information on the Institution
General information for students
International Researchers and Visiting Professors
Placement and Career Services
The Just Peace advanced office
UNICORE - University Corridors for Refugees
Tu sei qui
Planning your degree
Environmental Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Geology
Environmental Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Geology
First cycle degree
Biological sciences
Chemical sciences
Geological sciences
Natural and environmental sciences
Technologies for the Environment, Constructions and Territory
Second cycle degree
Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Quality
Chemistry (taught in English)
Chemistry for Agrifood
Ecotoxicology and environmental sustainability
Geological resources and hazards for land management
Health biology
Sustainable Industrial Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (taught in English)
Single cycle degree
Pharmaceutical chemistry and technology