Previews editions


The MSCA Seal of Excellence @ UNISI initiative welcomes applications from promising researchers who have received an excellent evaluation (i.e. a score higher than 85/100) in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie - Individual Fellowships actions.

The University of Siena has allocated 200,000 Euros as part of the 2021 Research Support Plan to projects that, in the 2019 and 2020 MSCA - IF calls were awarded the "Seal of Excellence - MSC Actions" but were not funded. The call is also open to researchers who did not identify UNISI as the project Host Institution.

The € 200,000 fund shall be assigned to four different profiles, one for each academic area:

- Economics, Law and Political Science

- Humanities, History, Philosophy and Arts

- Biomedical and Medical Sciences

- Experimental Sciences

The University thus intends to support 4 researchers for projects lasting 12-18 months which, despite having received a score of at least 85/100, were not funded but received the Seal of Excellence. Each grant amounts to 45,000 Euros gross; in addition, € 5,000 will be made available to researchers for research expenses, training, networking and missions.


  • Call for research grants (published on 12.04.2021) deadline 04.06.2021
  • Deadline postponed to 18.06.2021  – 12 p.m. (CET)
  • Members of the Evaluation Commission have been appointed  (29.06.2021)
  • First meeting of the Evaluation Commission: minutes on selection criteria (05.07.2021)
  • Second meeting of the Evaluation Commission:  evaluation report (20.07.2021) and amended version (transcription error)
  • NEW! Rectoral Decree approving selection results (29.07.2021)