Within the framework of the PNRR TNE DeSK (Developing Shared Knowledge) project, coordinated by the University of Bari "Aldo Moro" and with the University of Siena as a partner, a call for applications for international mobility has been published. This call will enable students and professors to undertake periods of study, internships and research at one of the project's partner universities in Latin America, the Balkans and Turkey during the second semester of 2024/2025 and the first semester of 2025/2026.
The call for applications, the list of eligible destinations and the application procedure can be found on the dedicated website[BA1] https://www.tne-desk.org/
For info [email protected]
Within the framework of the PNRR-TNE International Mobility Programme-Assessing Constitutional Crisis impacT and Security (IMP-ACCTS) project, coordinated by the University of Siena, a call for student mobility has been published. This call allows students to undertake a study, internship, or research period at one of the participating Balkan universities:
For more information, read the news here.
The Overseas 2024-2025 notice of selection has been published. This programme allows students to spend a study period abroad in the academic year 2024/2025
The destination universities have signed a specific academic collaboration agreement with the University of Siena.
- Deadline
The application can be submitted online from 12 pm on Monday 27 November 2023 until 12.00 pm on Monday 18 December 2023.
- Information meeting
Interested students are invited to participate in an information meeting which will be held on Wednesday 29 November at 10:00 in the Aula Magna Storica (Palazzo del Rettorato, Banchi di Sotto, 55)
As for the Art. 6 of the Notice of Selection, please find below the table reporting the points given to the language levels of the applicants to Overseas mobility 2024/2025. Please see the table carefully and report any anomalies to [email protected] no later than Thursday 11 January 2024 at 12 PM.