Within the framework of the PNRR-TNE International Mobility Programme-Assessing Constitutional Crisis impacT and Security (IMP-ACCTS) project, coordinated by the University of Siena, a call for student mobility has been published. This call allows students to undertake a study, internship, or research period at one of the participating Balkan universities:
For more information, read the news here.
The Overseas 2024-2025 notice of selection has been published. This programme allows students to spend a study period abroad in the academic year 2024/2025
The destination universities have signed a specific academic collaboration agreement with the University of Siena.
- Deadline
The application can be submitted online from 12 pm on Monday 27 November 2023 until 12.00 pm on Monday 18 December 2023.
- Information meeting
Interested students are invited to participate in an information meeting which will be held on Wednesday 29 November at 10:00 in the Aula Magna Storica (Palazzo del Rettorato, Banchi di Sotto, 55)
As for the Art. 6 of the Notice of Selection, please find below the table reporting the points given to the language levels of the applicants to Overseas mobility 2024/2025. Please see the table carefully and report any anomalies to [email protected] no later than Thursday 11 January 2024 at 12 PM.