Ethics Committee for Research in the Human and Social Sciences - CAREUS

The Ethics Committee for Research in the Human and Social Sciences - CAREUS was established to address the increasing number of research-related ethical issues in the human and social sciences. 


CAREUS has the expertise to express opinions on research proposals and experimental protocols submitted for review, as well as to inform and proactively raise awareness throughout the university community of the ethical implications of research activities in the humanities and social sciences.


The Committee, in compliance with the ethical principles set out in the Italian Constitution, the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, the above-mentioned international conventions, the Statute and Code of Ethics of the University Community, will undertake to:

a. safeguard the rights, dignity, integrity and wellbeing of individuals involved in research programmes and projects in the human and social sciences

b. promote respect, protection and conservation of the environment in all its dimensions and components

c. guarantee the freedom and promotion of research in compliance with the principles above


The Committee may provide a reasoned and binding opinion on the basis of an ethical-legal analysis of the research proposals and experimental protocols submitted for evaluation. To submit requests to the Committee, please use the Request for Review form.


For further information or clarification please write to: [email protected]