Italian Language Courses

Intensive Language Courses for Exchange Students

The University of Siena signed an agreement with the University for Foreigners of Siena (Università per Stranieri di Siena) to hold Italian language courses for International Exchange studetns with an insufficient knowledge of Italian.

There are two kind of courses:

  • Intensive language courses before the semester starts

In September for 1st semester students.

In February for 2nd semester students

  • Extensive language courses during the semester

In October and November  for 1st semester students
In March and April for 2nd semester students

We recommend students to attend the Intensive Italian language course held before the semester starts (September / February) in order to avoid possible overlap with classes at the departments of the University.

Student interested in taking one of these courses (which are not compulsory) must completed online the language form before the following deadlines:

  • 15 July for the September course
  • 15 August for the October/November course
  • 15 December for the February course
  • 15 January for the March/April course


The language form must be  filled out only after having submitting the online application form for incoming students.

Once submitted the Language form the Incoming Mobility Office will send you an email to confirm if you are accepted and with information on how to pay the administrative fee of 75.00 Euro. The administrative fee is the confirmation of the enrollement. The fee paid cannot be refunded for any reasons, even if the Italian lessons overlap with the lessons held at the University of Siena.



Courses have a duration of 80 hours of lessons.

The levels of linguistic competence are planned in correspondence to the six levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
(CEFR): (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2).

The entry level of students is determined by a placement test, given the first day of the course.
  • Note: This service is exclusively available to students participating in exchange programs (incoming exchange students). International degree seeking students should refer to the service specifically provided for them. For more information, visit the dedicated page.