Financial support for students

Scholarships and Grants - University of Siena

Available to students and Graduates are scholarships and study grants, as well as initiatives and opportunities of various kinds:
Expiring Scholarships
Expiring Grants
Solidarity Fund
Association or Student Group Funds
Merit Facilitations for specific types of Degrees

Scholarships and Competitions - DSU-Toscana

The Azienda della Regione Toscana per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario (Agency of the Tuscan Region for the Right to University Study) makes a series of economic facilitations available to the Unisi students.

The principle one is the scholarship: awarded on the basis of income and merit and it includes:
the total exoneration from tuition and fees
free access to the University’s canteens
lodging in one of the University’s residences (only for those out-of-town students who make this request)
an economic contribution (diversified according to income and place of residence)

Other forms of economic support are:
extraordinary contributions, reserved to students who are in unexpected and sudden conditions of economic difficulty
free canteen service for students with disabilities of 66% or greater
merit grants destined to those students enrolled in the Nursing Degree course
trust loans reserved for students having the specific requisites necessary

Siena international Excellence Scholarships

Siena international Excellence Scholarships final ranking can be fund here: